BIOPARCO | Giardino Zoologico di Roma
Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th May 2015
In association with Fondazione Memmo’s current exhibition, Conversation Piece | Part 1, British-born artist Thomas Hutton will be offering a performative guided tour through the Bioparco di Roma.
Thomas Hutton’s tour will focus in on particular aspects of the zoo, re-presenting its animals, flora, architectures and their histories, through a different kind of lens that dims the perimeters of truth and spins a veil of labyrinthine associations. As participants are led around in groups, their eyes will be guided towards the inconspicuous, the concealed, and the absent, in search of new meanings.
The tour groups will be made up of no more than 12 people and will gather in front of the gate at the main entrance of the zoo, located at Piazzale del Giardino Zoologico, 1. Tours will last approximately one hour. Booking can be made through Barbara Nava (06-3608211) and by quoting this password “Performance Hutton”, which will give you entry to the zoo at a special discounted price of 11.00 Euros.
Thomas Hutton is a British-born artist (b. London 1983) currently living and working in Rome. He received an MFA in sculpture from Yale University (2012) and an MA in Architectural History from The University of Edinburgh (2006).
The Bioparco di Roma occupies the northernmost part of the picturesque Villa Borghese Gardens. It first opened its gates in 1911 to coincide with Rome’s International Exposition of Art but has continuously evolved into its current form that covers and area of thirty acres and houses over a thousand animals.